Personal Shopper in France

We are your personal shopper in France!

With our personal shopper service in France, we purchase items on your behalf.  French Office can provide you this service without any risks or long-term committment.

Use our packages services in france

Why would you need it?

Our personal shopper service in France is suitable for every customer who needs help with their online purchases.
For example, you can benefit from this service if :

  • Don’t speak French and aren’t ready to learn it.

  • Bank card is not accepted by the online website.

  • Abroad and cannot place an order for the moment.

  • You are unsure of what to do and prefer some assistance.

Of course, these are not the only situations to use the personal shopper service. You can use it whenever you want!

How does it work ?

Using this service is very simple.  In a few steps  your order will be placed.  We do the work while you can relax and wait until your package arrives.
Relax and let us handle every step of the purchasing process :

We shop with your French address

Upon on-line registration you receive your private address.  All your purchases arrive at your  private French forwarding address.  Via your on-line account; you can see all your packages.

Located in the south-east of France, we order from your favorite boutiques in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux and more.

350, Chemin du Pré Neuf
CDV ## (your PO Box number provided during the registration step)
38350 La MURE

As your personal shopper in France we make the purchases for you. As your personal shipper, we forward your packages.

First register on-line.  Second, send us the list of the items you want us to buy on your behalf. Third tell us where to ship your items.

Steps :

  1. For every item, send an email and provide the web page, as well as the references, size, colour, etc -when necessary. (Don’t forget to include the delivery conditions: Express, economy, etc).
  2. Your suppliers should be able to provide the total purchase amount.
  3. Make sure your French Office account has sufficient funds to cover the purchase.
  4. Let us know the forwarding address where to send your packages.
  5. Enjoy your purchases!

Personal Shopper in France Prices


Free Trial





+ 3€ per Items

Max 10 Items per Order

Add 2% of the total invoiced as financial fees

We Shop for You !

Receiving and forwarding your items

  • When your packages arrive at your French forwarding address you will be informed by email.  

Login to your on-line account to see the shipment details.  Tracking number; sender, weight & dimensions are at your disposal.  As a result you can calculate costs to forward your packages to any international address.

When you are ready to ship your goods, just login to your account and create your shipment request. 

Your shipment request includes:  

  • the packages you want
  • Carrier, 
  • optional insurance, 
  • delivery mode, 
  • Group parcels to save weight & volume?

Freight rates depend on weight, volume and destination.  You can estimate shipping charges with our calculator on line.

If the balance of your account is not sufficient, we will send you an email with the amount due. You can top up your account by credit card or bank transfer.

Forward your parcels from your virtual mailbox

Get more information about :

& Ship


Deconsolidation &

Order Fulfillment

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