Phone Number with Voicemail in France

A solution for Voicemail in France
The virtual voicemail service provides you with a private telephone number that allows your clients to call and leave messages.
You can choose between a local number and a national number.
When voice messages are received, they are immediately created into an audio file that is sent directly to your business email.
Your French Office Voicemail account provides you with greetings. We can even record your own greetings with the French translation done.
Virtual voicemail advantages
You keep your privacy
This virtual voicemail service will give you the opportunity to keep your other phone numbers private – cell or landline phones.
Clients and customers can call the assigned number – whether it is local or national – and leave a message for you.
You don't miss any call
If you’re working in front of your computer, there is no need to wonder if anyone has left you voicemail messages.
You receive the voice messages in your own email inbox, delivered as a mp3 file which you can listen to.
Then you can keep, sort, forward or trash these messages.

Your Voicemail in France
Only pay a monthly Fee
The only fee is the monthly plan fee – no other charge is levied.
You choose a number beginning with 04 and it’s a local number. Or you use the standard national number beginning with 09.
No matter if you are not reachable, your contacts can have a French number where they can deliver their voice messages at any hour of the day.
Voicemail Features
Providing a French Phone number
At the begining, you will get:
- A French Phone Number.
- This number is linked to a voicemail. All voicemail messages will be forwarded automatically to your email.
Voicemail Receiving
You are able to :
- Receive messages 24hours a day from France or from all over the world.
- Listen these voicemail messages from your computer or your smartphone.
- Receive as many voicemails as you want without any extra fee.
In your standard email inbox, you will receive an email with the following details:
- Sender’s number.
- Date and time of calling.
- You open the mail and you listen to your voice mail message as a mp3 file.
As an option, we can record a professional message in French to welcome your contacts.
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